People in North Carolina may think of a coach as someone who helps an athlete, or they may be familiar with the concept of a life coach. Now, there are also divorce coaches who can help spouses through the difficult process of separation.
While the job of an attorney is to take care of the legal aspects of ending a marriage, the job of a divorce coach is to try to make the life transition easier. In some ways, the divorce coach can also make the process smoother for the attorney since they will help the soon-to-be ex get the proper paperwork in order. However, the coach will primarily aim to help the client in other ways, such as building confidence and communication skills.
Divorce raises a lot of different issues. A coach can help someone work through those problems and make educated decisions. A particularly complicated divorce can be overwhelming, but a coach can break it down into manageable steps. Working with a divorce coach can ultimately save money because the client will be better prepared for meetings with the attorney. A coach can also give the client emotional support.
There are also legal approaches such as mediation that may help a couple through a divorce. While divorcing in a courtroom is an adversarial process, mediation tries to help the couple work through their conflict and reach an agreement that is satisfactory for both parties. Even in a high-asset divorce in which there will be a complex division of property, it is possible to reach an agreement without resorting to litigation. Couples may also agree on child custody using these alternative dispute methods.