Prior to their marriage, couples will often sit down to draft a strong prenuptial agreement. This type of marital contract is generally put in place to ensure clarity around various financial aspects of the relationship. Should disagreements arise, the prenuptial...
Prenup/Postnup Agreements
How long before marriage should you ask for a prenup?
You know that you would like to use a prenuptial agreement when you marry your significant other. You certainly don't believe that you're going to get divorced, but you do understand that it is a statistical possibility. You want to make sure that you are protected...
Can a prenup protect an engagement ring?
You come from a family with a rich, storied history. Some of your family heirlooms are quite valuable -- including your grandmother’s engagement ring. You’d like to use the ring to propose to your girlfriend, but you’re also a realist. You know that not every couple...
Is a premarital agreement necessary for young couples?
As a young couple, you may not think that a prenuptial agreement is necessary, but the reality is that it could help protect you in the future even if you don’t have many assets now. Premarital agreements may not seem attractive to you, especially if you feel that...
What needs to go into your partnership agreement?
You’ve started your own business and it’s absolutely thriving. Now, however, you feel the need to bring in a partner whose skills complement your own so that you can move onto the next stage of your company’s development. That means it is time to get a partnership...
The bigger your assets, the more amicable your divorce may be
Many individuals get the impression that their problems would be minimal if they only had money, and it isn't uncommon for divorcing couples to blame money woes for some of their problems. A study published by Fatherly, however, shows that divorce doesn't...
One key tip for asking for a prenup
If you want to ask for a prenup so that you know how your assets are going to get divided, you may feel nervous. People often think of prenuptial agreements as something selfish or at least self-serving, which isn't exactly the mood you want to set before your...
Tips for older adults who are getting a divorce
Older North Carolina couples may be more likely to get a divorce than younger couples. For people 65 and older, the divorce rate is three times higher than it was in the 1990s. Overall, divorce among older people is on the rise even though it is dropping among younger...
How some couples benefit from postnuptial agreements
Postnuptial agreements are becoming more popular among North Carolina spouses who want to protect their assets in case of a divorce. This legally binding document is similar to a prenuptial agreement, but the main difference is that it's signed during the marriage....
Why some entrepreneurs may want a prenup
People in North Carolina who are considering starting their own businesses may also want to consider a prenuptial agreement. This can keep the company separate from the couple's joint property in case of a divorce. According to some attorneys, there is a rise among...