When you take a position with the company, sometimes your work is an investment. You might accept a lower-paying position with a startup company that offers you more advancement opportunities rather than continue grinding by in an established job elsewhere. One of...
High Asset Divorce
Does divorce get easier to (financially) deal with as we age?
As someone in banking or Charlotte's many other popular job industries, you and your spouse may have amassed significant wealth over the years. Most of that money and other assets will ultimately need to be divided among you and your spouse if you divorce. While...
You’re getting divorced — why do you need a life insurance policy on your ex?
You and your spouse are hashing out the specifics of your divorce. Based on income and/or other circumstances, you are due spousal support from your ex. But, you shouldn't stop the negotiations there. Your family law attorney can petition the court to have your...
Can you run a business with your ex?
People who have worked hard to build a viable business aren’t likely going to want to call it quits just because their marriage didn’t work out. While there are some instances in which there isn’t any way exes can run the company together, there are some who are able...
Will dedication to your career or business cost you your marriage?
As a successful business owner, you know that only one thing brought you to that level of success: Your work ethic. You have put in an incredible amount of work, from 16-hour days to months without a day off. This is the most important thing in your life and you want...
Money really doesn’t buy happiness, especially in a marriage
Money troubles are often cited as a major reason for conflicts in a marriage. In fact, roughly 35% of all couples say that money is the biggest source of trouble in their relationships. Would it surprise you to know, however, that there’s an inverse relationship...
The bigger your assets, the more amicable your divorce may be
Many individuals get the impression that their problems would be minimal if they only had money, and it isn't uncommon for divorcing couples to blame money woes for some of their problems. A study published by Fatherly, however, shows that divorce doesn't...
Why is property division more complex in a high-asset divorce?
Some people might tell you that a high-asset divorce is an ordinary divorce with more money at stake. Yet, that is not how we look at it. There are many complexities that most divorcing couples do not have to worry about. If you're approaching divorce and you there...
Divorcing with a real-estate portfolio? Here’s how you can divide it
If you and your spouse have decided to divorce, you may have one or more properties that are subject to division during your separation. Splitting your marital assets can be difficult, especially if neither of you want to sell your properties or allow the other spouse...
Reasons for divorce can vary in North Carolina
If you have a lot to lose in a divorce, you may be thinking you don't need one. After all, people can change, and that may include your own doubts about a spouse. In case that is not how things work out, though, it never hurts to be emotionally and legally prepared.A...