Resolving Complex Property Division Issues
A divorce is rarely ever simple or easy. The process can quickly become further complicated when you have extensive and significant assets. It is important to ensure that your interests remain protected while negotiating a fair and equitable separation agreement.
At Kennedy Law Associates, our Charlotte complex property division attorneys have extensive experience handling complex divorce cases. With a background in financial planning services, attorney Marsha Kennedy has a thorough understanding of financial issues, including retirement plan division and taxation matters.
We Handle the Division of All Types of Property
Our North Carolina divorce attorneys have helped people with the division of all types of complex property, including:
- Bank accounts
- Businesses
- Pensions, 401(k)s and retirement plans
- Real estate
- Stocks, bonds and other investments
From business valuation to uncovering hidden assets, the legal team at Kennedy Law Associates understands that complex issues that may arise over the course of a high-asset divorce. We can unravel complex and entangled financial webs in an effort to ensure that your property division agreement is as fair and equitable as possible. We will aggressively protect and represent your valuable interests.
Call for a Consultation With an Experienced Attorney
If you are going through a divorce and have concerns about how your extensive property interests are to be divided, we are prepared to help. Contact our Charlotte complex property division lawyers online or call 704-512-0619 to schedule an initial consultation to discuss your situation.