When Is The Right Time To Consider Mediation?
Mediation can offer a practical and efficient path to a settlement. Alongside other forms of alternative dispute resolution (ADR) like arbitration and collaborative law, mediation takes place outside of the courtroom and is often a more amicable process.
For it to work, both parties need to approach mediation in good faith. If you and your spouse are on good enough terms to negotiate your family’s future dynamic, mediation may be a viable solution for you.
Have Further Questions About Mediation In North Carolina?
Please visit our Family Law FAQs page for additional answers to frequently asked North Carolina family law questions.
Our Lawyers Are Prepared To Help.
At Kennedy Law Associates, our lawyers take the time to get to know our clients through an in-depth initial domestic consultation. By learning about your unique situation, your concerns, and your goals, we can craft a tailored plan that is right for you moving forward.
Our attorneys have helped many satisfied clients throughout North Carolina. For additional information about our approach, please call us at 704-512-0619 or send us an email.